Hannon Residence



Hannon Residence

Malibu, California

Coming in just under 1,600 SF of living space, the Hannon Residence is an atypically small house for Malibu, where McMansions abound considerably larger in size. The current house is part of a twin scheme connected by a covered bridge. Even with the future expansion, however, the footprint of the house remains very light at 15’x58’ each.

Conceived more as a loft space, the house consists of three levels of open plan: bedroom, living, and carport/deck in ascending order. Each level or platform lands gently on the sloping site as if a ship has docked on land. To minimize the ‘cut-and fill’ that damages the natural grade, the platforms are further divided into bi-levels of service and served spaces by the central stairwell, i.e. kitchen vs. living, bathroom vs. bedroom, and carport vs. viewing/dining deck. The resulting ‘Raumplan’ affords the house its spatial and visual luxury usually not available in a narrow and small volume. 

The interior of the house is finished with raw exterior construction material such as plywood sheathing and cement board siding as flooring along with colorful solid faced resin panels by Panelite, in stark contrast to its neighboring mansions adorned in faux Mediterranean, Tuscan, and other styles of opulence.

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Residential / Hannon Residence



Jeffrey A. Roberts, structural engineer
Artecho, landscape architect
RJR Engineering, civil/soils/geotechnical
David Berokoff, energy calculations
Elon Schoenholz, photography

ALL, ResidentialGloria Lee